In fact, on the days of the spring and fall equinox, the length of daylight is actually longer than darkness by several minutes. 事实上,在春秋分的时候,白天要比黑夜长个几分钟。
Near Scottsdale, Arizona, the Boulders Resort abjures the science of astronomy in favor of the lore of astrology in its Dining With the Stars dinners held three times each year, on the summer solstice and the spring and fall equinox dates. 伯德斯度假村临近亚利桑那州的斯科茨代尔市,这里的人们分别在夏至、春分和秋分时举行三次与星星共餐的活动,意在显示这里的人们不爱天文科学,爱占星学。
The cultural significance of the fall equinox and changing of seasons continues today, especially in the northern hemisphere, where the autumnal equinox occurs around harvest season. 秋分的文化意蕴和季节改变在今天也继续影响着,特别是在北半球,秋分意味着丰收的季节。